I am a teacher by trade with a background in Spanish and ESL. I've taught a variety of things, high school Spanish, high school ESL, K-2 Spanish and K-2 technology and am currently working from my desk in the corner of our bedroom teaching Spanish online. I tend to be into a little bit of everything and found teaching Spanish to be the perfect blend of all the things I love: people, creativity and language.
I'm a creative spirit with a short attention span and a constant desire to be organized. I am an undeniable ENFP. Fun times at our house. If I'm not totally destroying a room in the throes of "inspiration" I am trying super hard to organize it. I've always been into "a little bit of everything" and for a long time I truly disliked that about myself and wished I could be focused... but I've learned along the way that I was designed like this intentionally.
photo by Nancy Ray Photography - 09.10.11
I'm married to my most favorite person to hang out with. We met in high school and dated for a long time. In December 2014, we welcomed our first (human) child, Lincoln. We are convinced that there is no kid on earth with a sense of humor as great as his. When we are not working we spend our time watching him do baby stuff, ooh-ahh, take pictures and Instagram them.
photo by Magnolia South Photography - January 2015
We're expecting our second human baby this spring and cannot wait to watch this guy become a big brother.
follow me on Instagram @kellieblogs for Luna + Lobo's shenanigans at #lunaylobo
We are pack-leaders to two Siberian huskies, Luna and Lobo. We've tried to rationalize giving them away many times (usually at the height of shedding season) but deep in our hearts we love them and they are part of the family. Luna is pretty mischievous and can find food anywhere. Lobo is a snuggly guy who loves to go to bed early.
We are getting out of debt (a la Dave Ramsey, baby step 2), are finally getting a hang of this whole budget thing, and make a habit of cash flowing house projects that usually involve a trip to Ikea. We love to laugh, watch Friends re-runs, and spend time at home.
In August of 2015 we started Operation Beat Eczema, after pregnancy and delivery caused me to have a total body eczema flare. This included a 180º on our standard American Diet and embracing the basic Paleo framework-- no grains, dairy or refined sugar. More about that on the 'we are paleo' page. A year and a half out, we aren't as strict as we were back then but are very conscious of what we eat and how we treat our bodies. This has been one of the greatest revelations we've had. You can follow me on Instagram for nearly daily food posts of our real life "paleoish" meals. We eat well!
We attend Elevation Church at the Raleigh Campus where I serve on the photography team and my husband plays bass. Weeks that I shoot, I post my photo "highlights" here with the "Elevation" label. We have loved becoming part of the Elevation community in Raleigh, it is a remarkable group of genuine people that love God. It is so amazing to see how everyone works together on Sundays to make church happen in a high school. We have seen and experienced a lot of life-change firsthand since we have been attending Raleigh. Each week we are so grateful to be part of something much bigger than ourselves!
This blog is a culmination of our day-to-day, my photography, crafts projects, random recipes, teacher things and occasional thoughts on theology.
We don’t believe that anything is coincidence, or luck, we believe that our life and everything in it was handpicked for us by our Creator. We are handpicked. Welcome!
I LOVE this Kellie! Amazing, amazing, amazing!
I LOVE this Kellie! Amazing, amazing, amazing!