Monday, February 1, 2016

February Goals

Hello February! I am jumping back on the monthly goals wagon... for now. I didn't set any for January because it was CRAZY around here, coming off of track-out for M, winter break for me, wrapping up a semester and throwing a birthday party and a play date within the first two weeks of the month. I think I *just* recovered. I just started a new semester with brand new students and I love a good "fresh start". Here's to wonderful month!
  • Check Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter only once a day. I've been super distracted lately and social media just makes it worse. Between posting and liking and checking... I spend way too much of my day working my thumb muscles. 
  • Post daily on Instagram an iPhone pic of the "ordinary" for my #chaney366 project. A friend encouraged me to do a 365 project for this year, so I decided to join in and then realized it is leap year. 366 it is! 
  • Finish work before Marshall gets home so we can relax after dinner once Lincoln goes to bed. Most days I do this, but there are some weeks where as soon as Lincoln goes down, I go upstairs and work until bedtime. 
  • Get in bed by 10pm (at the latest). 
  • Go to the dentist. I hate that this is a goal. But we're going. Next week. All three of us. Pray for me. 
  • Blog my personal "every day" pictures from January! 
  • Blog Lincoln's first Christmas and birthday. 
  • Move our personal photos on to my Smug Mug page from Lincoln's first year and my pregnancy. Smug Mug is changing my life! A post all about it will follow. 
  • Savor this season of "long days" and "short years".  Oh these days are so long sometimes, especially when you've had breakfast, changed a massive poop diaper (or two), played downstairs, played upstairs only to find it is only 9am and there are no naps on the radar for several more hours. Working from home is harder these days, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love spending my days with my little buddy. 
  • Celebrate my nephews turning 2 and 4! How are they 2 and 4 already? Working on a super fun Adventure Box for a gift. So excited for it. 
  • Go to at least one free yoga class at Grow The Boutique. There is one on the schedule for the end of the month that's free, I definitely want to check it out. I'm scoping out Groupon and Living Social for a good deal on yoga, I miss it!
  • Start a new book.  I finished Crash the Chatterbox last week and am trying to decide what book is next. I think maybe Make it Happen by Lara Casey, not sure yet. 
I am excited for this month. We have nearly made it through the winter! Before we know it will be spring again! Yay. Thankful for that. Happy love month! 

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