Thursday, March 16, 2017

Foto February | Last Photos + Recap!

Eeeeee, it is the middle of March and I'm finally getting the last of these pictures on my computer. Have mercy. In general, I think I completed most of the prompts, but I overestimated how much time I would have to focus on this in the midst of all the life stuff and random photography gigs I had this month. Like with most things, without intentionally planning week to week when exactly I would do each prompt it didn't happen, and if I did one while I was shooting at church or at a session it was lost in the culling process and I couldn't keep track of where they were. It would be convenient to claim pregnancy brain, but it was really just lack-of-planning Kellie brain.  Additionally, I'd start strong with a prompt and then be like "oh let me just fix these settings and get this cute picture of Lincoln and then I'll go back and do ______".  So, boo for not completing it, but hooray because it was really fun and I learned a lot!

Next year, instead of doing specific settings I want to do a range. So, a range in ISOs, a range in aperture settings, a range in shutters, etc. this will allow a bit more freedom and will be better for different cameras since depending on how new, etc. they all handle ISO differently. My internal gauge for a lot of the settings (especially ISO) are based on my Rebel that I got in 2007 where 1600 was the max ISO and hella grainy... so compared to my Mark ii now (and my friend's Mark iii) 1600 is nothing.

And it's been like 3 weeks since I took these photos and I don't remember all the things and I'm tired and want to be done and I don't feel like sorting through all my catalogs and galleries and finding ones that meet the challenges. TEE HEE.-- so just a quick post and fun photos of a glow stick bath. I knew I wanted to do that anyway as a fun "treat" and thought it would be a good way to practice super dark w/ external lights. Also good practice for things at church in the auditorium regarding glow sticks. That happens more often at church than you would think.

ALSO: Major shoutout to my sweet sister friend Stephanie for doing the challenge with me! She nailed it! Go look at her instagram and see her posts from the month! SO SO SO GOOD! 

Nikon 28mm f/8 ISO 4000 1/100 

Nikon 28mm f/8 ISO 400 1/250

Nikon 28mm f/4 ISO 200 1/160

Nikon 28mm ISO 2000 f/8 1/80 (attempt at rim light challenge!) 
(this is the first time Lincoln drank from a normal people cup at home without a lid. It was mostly a success!) 

Nikon 28mm ISO 25600 (maxed out challenge! ew!) f/2.8 1/400

Nikon 28mm ISO 3200 f/2.8 1/20 (external light challenge attempt)

Nikon 28mm ISO 3200 f/2.8 1/25 (external light challenge attempt)

 Nikon 28mm ISO 3200 f/2.8 1/25 (external light challenge attempt)

Canon 50mm ISO 2500 f/1.8 1/25 (And one of my favorite photos OF ALL TIME) 

Canon 50mm ISO 1600 f/1.8 1/40 (flash challenge)

Canon 50mm ISO 1250 f/2.8 1.0 sec (1 sec shutter challenge)

....and hooray! It's March! 

    • f/ highest a lens goes
    • f/11 (this week!) 
    • f/8
    • f/4
    • f/lowest gear allows (for me that's 1.8!) 
    • SLOWEST it goes 
    • 1+ second shutter 
    • 1/30 shutter
    • 1/300 shutter
    • FASTEST it goes (this week!) 
  • ISO
    • ISO 400
    • ISO 800
    • ISO 1600  ~ 2500 
    • rim light
    • external light
    • flash
    • dawn or dusk light (this week!) 
    • nighttime 
    • self portrait
    • landscape 
    • animal portrait 
    • water
    • movement 

    1 comment:

    1. Thanks for the shout out sweet friend! And thanks for including me in the challenge! It was awesome
