It's summertime, and as much as I'm dreading the 100º weather, and the sweat that comes with it, I love spending these days with this kid. Last week I wrapped up spring semester and my year long courses, and we have just a few weeks to hang out, take naps, play with cousins before summer session starts. So, this is what we're up to these days now that it's officially summer break!
I'm growing my first food garden. I started simple with zucchini, herbs and carrots this year. So far we have two baby zucchinis and one carrot is flourishing! I've already killed one basil, but rosemary is going strong.
Lincoln' loves to play his jingle bells in the backseat when we ride in the car. It's seriously his favorite. Dances and sings along to whatever music is playing, and lately plays the jingle bells too!
We got to spend the day with my sister and nephews last week and played outside some. The boys loved it. I am so thankful they are close in age and aren't too far away so we can get together and play! I love this picture. It reminds me of baby pictures of Marshall so much.
Lately, Lincoln is all about wearing his water shoes around the house, sitting on the couch by himself and having very specific opinions about which cup he wants to drink out of.
We've been drilling "look but don't touch" towards computers since he started pulling up (10 months). Clearly it's going well.
Marshall cooks dinner pretty much every night (he's the best), and so my job is to entertain Lincoln, unless I'm working and Marshall somehow does both.
We love the little applesauce packets from Aldi, and a few weeks ago they had some "special buy" ones with sweet potato and blueberry, and spinach and pear! I bought like 10 boxes because Lincoln loved them when he was younger. The labels are different than the other ones, and he seriously gives them a once-over before eating them. If it has the new label (pictured above) he doesn't want anything to do with them. Smarty pants.
He has gotten SO tall lately. Seventeen months old this month.
So tired. I think this was a short or no-nap day.
I think he's had a runny nose since his birthday.
Lately loves to play "I'm gonna get you!". If you say, "I'm... gonna...." he starts laughing like a crazy person and runs TOWARD you.
Breakfast for dinner is one of our favorite things! We love these waffles so much.
Lately Lincoln has started noticing when we pray at home before meals and when we're at church or if he's at egroup or a church meeting with me. It is the best. He says "baaaaaaaby" instead of amen. Tonight at dinner he kept reaching for our hands and saying "paaay", which is also how he says "play". So cute. We'd take turns thanking God for stuff (mama is feeling better, it's not raining today, yummy porkchops and broccoli, yummy water to drink, etc.) and he would babble something in Lincoln-ese and then say "baaaaaaaby" and Marshall and I would say "aaaaaaamen!".
And this is how a lot of dinners go these days. There's usually a mid-meal meltdown.
My super favorite dramatic Lincoln crying pose as of late. Covers eyes. Wails.
But, it's all good once a parent holds him and lets him eat off their plate (it's usually mine, but I was taking pictures).
And bonus points if parent's plate gets moved to the high chair.
Sunday mornings when I shoot and Marshall plays bass, we get this kid up at 5:30am and head to church by 6 and he LOVES it. This was in between bites of banana at 6am and he was so happy to be there! I could write volumes about our church and how much we love serving on Sundays, especially together. They love us and our boy so well!Dude has become quite a picky eater as of late, and so I figured all of America may be onto something with the whole PB&J thing, so I made him one on gluten free bread (of course) and he loved it. It's become kind of a staple around here the past week or so, but just PB and honey. We are out of J, which is totally fine with me :)
This daredevil is all about standing in his high chair, which I halfway want to get in a picture, but also feel like if I let him do it long enough he'll fall / think it's okay to do. So.... this is what I got before I intervened.
After most meals or snacks, if it isn't nap time we'll head upstairs and play in the playroom. He'll run in saying "paaaaaaaay!" which is the cutest thing ever. He'll usually play by himself for a little bit (it took him a while to be able to do this) and sometimes I'll sit on the futon and read, play with my phone or work (not this week, though!) and I try to sit down and play with him for a few minutes. Lately he wants to sit with me on the futon or he'll come over to me and tell me "paaaaaaay!" which is fun. He loves the shape puzzle (and apparently taught himself how to do it a few weeks ago... I might be a first timer, but I was SHOCKED when I saw him put all the pieces in the right place!), Legos and lately is super into cars (rooooom!) and trains (too-too!). We watched an episode of Little Einsteins the other day and Rocket turned into a train and I thought Lincoln was going to pee his pants. He was SO excited about the too-too.
Like this week Lincoln has started playing with the camera I got him for Easter. It has interchangeable lenses which I LOVE and today he sat for like 15 minutes just swapping the lenses in and out and saying "cheese!".
I just want to memorize those baby fingers and toes and keep them forever.
"Cheese!" not sure if this is just toddler backwards-ness or if he's taking a selfie.
Oh, little man. I love these days just the two of us. They are so fun, exhausting and messy. We pretty much have food all over our face (and some boogers, and some dog hair) a lot of the time. Sometimes we go to Target in the clothes we slept in. We have messy hair pretty much constantly. Wouldn't trade this time for anything. Here's to summer number two!
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